Cloud hosting

1 min read

This is a type of hosting where you only pay for the amount of resources and the hosting provider distributes them among random servers. Imagine that your site is partially stored on three different servers. RAM, CPU power, and other resources are also taken from different servers. This helps the hosting provider better distribute the load on the hardware.

Imagine that the management of an apartment complex decided to make a joke and gave you a kitchen in one house, a bedroom in the second, a living room in the third, and a bathroom in the fourth.

Life in such a house would be hell, but in the case of hosting, it’s even better. If, over time, you become insufficient hosting resources, you do not have to move to another plan. You use the resources of several independent online servers and you can change the amount of resources when you need it.

This type of hosting is suitable for a media publishing site, an online store, an application or a site that lacks virtual server resources.

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