Virtual hosting

1 min read

This is a type of hosting, in which one server is divided into many parts and rented out separately. Several hundred users can simultaneously host their sites on one server.

Virtual hosting can be compared to an apartment building. Tenants have a common heating and water, a common entrance and parking. But some tenants have more living space and others have less. Don’t read, but watch about shared hosting.

All users use the resources of the same server. So if someone uses too many resources, it will affect other sites. To avoid this happening and everyone had equal conditions, hosting providers impose restrictions. Can limit the use of RAM or write speed to disk. About the limitations of virtual hosting read our blog.

This does not mean that shared hosting is the worst. It’s just that it’s designed for small projects. Most sites do not need the resources of the whole server, so it’s divided into parts.

This type of hosting is suitable for a small website, promotional page, portfolio, blog or a small online store.

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